Toddler Room Daily Schedule
- 7:00-7:45 Children received in the preschool room
- 7:45-7:50 Children are picked up from the preschool room
- 7:50-8:15 Am Snack
- 8:15-9:00 Washroom/Playroom
Morning Program Begins
- 9:00- 9:40 Group A: Program creative & sensory
- 9:10-9:15 Group B: Cloakroom in the hallway
- 9:15- 10:15 Group B: Outdoor play
- 9:40- 9:50 Group A: Cloakroom in the hallway
- 9:50- 10:50 Group A: Outdoor play
- 10:15-11:00 Group B: Indoor program: creative& sensory
- 10:50- 11:00 Group A: Cloakroom in the hallway
- 11:00-11:10 Small Group circle
- 11:10-11:15 Wash hands
Midday Meal and Sleep
- 11:15-11:40 Lunch
- 11:40-12:00 Washroom
- 12:00-2:15 Sleep time
- 2:15-2:30 Washroom
- 2:30- 2:55 Snack
Afternoon Program Begins
- 2:55-3:55 Outdoor play
- 3:55-4:05 Cloakroom in the classroom
- 4:05- 5:30 Free play
- 5:30-5:45 Crackers and water
- 5:45-6:00 All children join in the preschool room
Group A: 10 Children (Early & Middle shift)
Group B: 5 Children (Late shift)
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